Monday 14 May 2012

What about the children?

Browsing the pedo-hate sites, as one does from time to time in the vain hope that they might say something intelligent, I noticed something which seemed a little odd: they hardly ever mention the children.

For writers who claim to abhor and campaign against abuse of children (as we all should), the subject is ignored, except in passing as the occasional part of a report on an alleged offender.

Despite claiming to be "committed to the safety and well-being of all children", the writers are much more concerned with character assassination, schadenfreude - including waxing positively ecstatic over deaths or near fatalities - and demonstrating their severe lack of knowledge.

What about actual child abuse? The abhorrent cases that make the news, and the appalling huge number that don't? What about the 8-month-old (yes - a baby!) in Malaysia kicked and punched by her mother, simply, it seems, to make her cry? The 4-year-old in New York made to go out in the snow in his underwear? The 10-year-old in Dallas who died after being deprived of water by his parents? And what about the sickening case of the 15-year-old in London, who was tortured and beaten to death because his mother "thought he was possessed"? I could go on, but that is distressing enough.

What are those "committed to the safety and well-being of all children" doing about the appalling amount of abuse inflicted on children practically right under their noses? Not a lot, it would seem; they are too busy getting hung up about other people's supposed sexual proclivities and shouting a lot on the internet.