Monday 4 July 2011

Different leopard, same spots

The people who ran the Wikisposure paedo-hating site have been given the boot by Perverted Justice; reason unknown, but one can hazard a guess that their policy of invented accusations bordering on the libellous, along with their stalking of gay teens and outing them to their parents, or, worse, waiting until they reach 18 and then printing damaging material, all about people or organisations not convicted - or even charged - with any offence.

So now they've come up again with another catchy title but the same policies of gloating over convictions or character assassination if they can't find anything illegal, or even inappropriate.

Even someone admitting having feelings for children, however honorable, makes them fair game for attack.

It's interesting to note that they have been off-line for a while; one can't help wondering if there was a legal case in progress.

Fortunately such sites are so rabid and off-the-wall that only their own cronies actually take any notice of them.

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